
BGC provides government advocacy and or secures funding for specific projects that will have an impact on an investments’ bottom line. BGC has been approached by, and has worked for: private equity firms, investors, and health organizations, in order to boost overall business success.


BGC can broaden the reach and scope of a positive image, or stem bad publicity.

Many organizations retain us in order to help position an industry and influence policy by informing officials about events, issues, and industry practices.

In some circumstances, there are organizations that have developed a negative public profile, and need to inform government about how the restructure of their organization is going, to improve their output in the future.

Media Relations

Information proliferation can be a very effective GR strategy when government officials lack the motivation to make changes that would benefit the public.

When the public hears about what is possible, decisions can move along much faster.

Grant Writing

BGC has experienced grant writers that can help an organization secure small pots of funding (2 million dollars and under).